Tag: audiobooks

New Audio Edition: “Carnival Farm” by Lisa Jacob

Carnival Farm (audio edition)

We are pleased to announce the release of the audio edition of Carnival Farm by Lisa Jacob. Seagn Conway is tired of her veterinary practice — the same entitled pet parents, the same dogs and cats, maybe the occasional lizard or snake, now bore her to pieces. When a traveling carnival with a farm animal petting zoo comes to town, she discovers all the animals are depressed, malnourished, and neglected. Was it the right decision, she wonders, to give up everything she had for this ragtag collection of failing farm animals? Carnival Farm is available now in audio editions from...

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New Audio Edition: “Pious Rebel” by Jory Post

We are excited to announce the availability of the audio edition of Pious Rebel by Jory Post. After her partner dies suddenly, Lisa Hardrock realizes how little she knows about the life she’s been living — and starts exploring her questions in a blog that unexpectedly goes viral. Following the sudden death of her domineering partner, Lisa Hardrock begins to discover how little she really knows about the life she’s been living for the last seven years — and the man she was living it with. As she confronts the secrets and unpaid debts her partner left behind, Lisa also...

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New Audio Editions: “The Shelby McDougall Mysteries” by Nancy Wood

We are pleased to announce the availability of the audio editions of all of "The Shelby McDougall Mysteries" by Nancy Wood. Due Date: Surrogate mother Shelby McDougall just fell for the biggest con of all — a scam that risks her life … and the lives of her unborn twins. The Stork: Shelby McDougall’s past is behind her. Almost. The Found Child: Private Investigator Shelby McDougall is out for revenge. Treasure Hunt: When ten-year-old Tyler signs up for a Saturday afternoon treasure hunt sponsored by the city’s Parks department, he discovers much more than he bargained for. Read by Jenn...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Building Baby Brother” by Steven Radecki

We are thrilled to announce the availability of the audio edition of Building Baby Brother by Steven Radecki. It seemed like a good idea at the time … Children will always grow up, whether we’re ready for them to or not. One truth about parenthood that I’ve learned is that there will come a time when your children will ask you difficult, and perhaps even uncomfortable, questions for which they expect you to have the answers. It’s also true that we often find it difficult to deny our children the things that they most desire — like freedom. Read by...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin Tales” by L. A. Jacob

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin Tales (A Grimaulkin Anthology) by L. A. Jacob. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at the people in their life — Mike LeBonte is no exception. Who is Ritter, and why is he so important to Mike? Who is the Grey Man in the Atheneum? And what is Chevalier to the Rosicrucians? Did Reverend Greene really escape? Whatever happened to Becky? Also included in this collection is the first case that Grimaulkin has with his new apprentice, Ash. Re-enter the world of Grimaulkin, where magic is...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Broken Bridge (Book Two of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Broken Bridge (Book Two of the Glass Bottles Series) by J Dark. Sometimes a broken bridge has to be crossed. Talk about Byzantine influences. Fern Fatelli is approached by a desperate father to find his daughter before something bad happens to her, only to find that the job is really a diversion made to have her owe a service to a fae lord. Cobb, the fae lord, then contracts Fern, not as a finder, but as a wizard, and forces her to re-open the Anolyn way. As this is going on,...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin Redeemed” by L. A. Jacob

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin Tempted (Book Three of the Grimaulkin Series) by L. A. Jacob. Protect your present or suffer from your past. It’s Scott’s birthday, and Mike LeBonte has big plans for his boyfriend. First, he has to deal with losing his magic. However, he’s well-known to the police as a consultant, and someone has summoned a demon in the North Burial Ground in Providence. Not just any demon, but Lucifer himself. As Mike fights to try and regain his magic to help the police, a man from his past comes into town...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin Tempted” by L. A. Jacob

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin Tempted (Book Two of the Grimaulkin Series) by L. A. Jacob. Stress affects people differently. Then, there’s magic. Mike LeBonte is house-sitting while his sister and her new husband go on their honeymoon. What could happen in two weeks? First, his cousin Becky calls him saying she’s being followed. It could be the Mafia. Or it could be the church she’s trying to separate from. Then his boyfriend tells Mike his ex is coming to visit. Then Mike meets his parole officer — a Knight of the Rosicrucians, the very...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin” by L. A. Jacob

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin (Book One of the Grimaulkin Series) by L. A. Jacob. Treading the straight and narrow is not natural to one who summons demons. Michael LeBonte is set free after five years in magic prison. All he has to do is stay on the straight and narrow path for the rest of his life. However, because he summoned demons to “take care of things,” it’s easier said than done. Now his plan is to make a new life for himself. His sister has welcomed him back, he’s met a cute guy,...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series) by J Dark. When your past is left undone, it will come find you. Fern Fatelli is a private investigator, specializing in more shady activities than finding children. The situation that launches her deeper into the uncertain realm of Magick is Fern being hired to expose Hervald Thensome, a prominent businessman in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as an adulterer. From this point on, Fern’s situation spirals deeper into the realm of magic and danger. Attacks by a mysterious man, and her own contracted...

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