Greg began his career as a writer at Time Inc. in New York and later worked as a TV reporter in Minneapolis, Boston, and on PBS. He estimates that he has done 15,000 interviews, with people from every imaginable occupation or situation. Greg’s professional honors include three Emmy nominations.

Turning down an offer to anchor at CNN in New York, he founded Stone Communications, dedicated first to independent production and now to media consulting. Assignments have brought him all across the US, and to the UK, South Korea, Poland, and Albania.

Greg has written two business books on inspired management: Branding with Personal Stories: The Villains, Victims, and Heroes Model and Artful Business: 50 Lessons from Creative Geniuses. He is also co-authoring a third book called Defining Hybrid Heroes: The Leadership Spectrum from Scoundrel to Saint, under contract at Anthem Press.

Greg and his wife reside in Belmont, MA, just outside Boston. They have a daughter in medical school, a son who works in financial technology in New York, and a rescue dog who rarely barks.