
New Book Release: “Figli del tempo sbagliato” (Children of the Wrong Time) by Flavia Idà

Figli del tempo sbagliatoFigli del tempo sbagliato

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Italian edition of Children of the Wrong Time (Figli del tempo sbagliato) by Flavia Idà. “Potreste dire di essere stati amati dalle persone giuste, per i motivi giusti, nel modo giusto e al tempo giusto?” I cittadini della Generazione Avanti devono guadagnarsi il diritto di riprodursi, superando un estenuante tirocinio ideato al fine di sradicare l’infelicità umana causata dalle scelte fatte a caso. Michael Holmes e Nora Savins sono pronti ad affrontare il tirocinio; ciò che non sanno è che alcune cose al mondo nasceranno sempre da scelte fatte a...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Back to the Land in Silicon Valley” by Marlene Anne Bumgarner

We are pleased to announce the release of the audio edition Back to the Land in Silicon Valley by Marlene Anne Bumgarner. “We all worked together. Ate together. Sang together. Learned together. We had a good life. After living close to the natural cycles of the earth year after year, good and not good, we grew stronger and more resilient, learned to manage our occasional conflicts with tolerance and love.” When Marlene Bumgarner and her husband moved to a rural plot of land in 1973, she thought of herself as simply a young mother seeking an affordable and safe place...

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Why bother with a review?

tl;dr  Reviews are the #1 way books get readers' attention, and that drives sales for authors. There are all kinds of studies using all kinds of algorithms about how word of mouth impacts book sales for the better. You can read those, if you care to, or you can take my word for it. Back when we all lived in a slower, kinder world, people sat and chatted with each other, and they talked about what they were reading. Now, only the most devoted bibliophiles hang out in in-person book clubs (except pandemic, which has largely killed those); most of...

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The Best Gift You Can Give an Author is a Review

During this holiday season, when you're looking for the perfect gift for that author friend or family member, here's something that will fit every budget: Leave a review. There are a lot of important business-related reasons why leaving reviews is important to a book and author's success. (We will discuss these in detail in another post.) The most important part: Leave a review. For authors and books, the two most important places to leave reviews are Amazon and Goodreads. You can even post the same review in both places! Did you know: You don't have to purchase the book on...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Building Baby Brother” by Steven Radecki

We are thrilled to announce the availability of the audio edition of Building Baby Brother by Steven Radecki. It seemed like a good idea at the time … Children will always grow up, whether we’re ready for them to or not. One truth about parenthood that I’ve learned is that there will come a time when your children will ask you difficult, and perhaps even uncomfortable, questions for which they expect you to have the answers. It’s also true that we often find it difficult to deny our children the things that they most desire — like freedom. Read by...

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New Book Release: “Pious Rebel” by Jory Post

Pious Rebel

We are extremely pleased and honored to be able to announce the immediate availability of Pious Rebel by Jory Post. After her partner dies suddenly, Lisa Hardrock realizes how little she knows about the life she’s been living — and starts exploring her questions in a blog that unexpectedly goes viral. Following the sudden death of her domineering partner, Lisa Hardrock begins to discover how little she really knows about the life she’s been living for the last seven years — and the man she was living it with. As she confronts the secrets and unpaid debts her partner left...

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Join Us for the (Virtual) Book Launch Celebration for “The Found Child” by Nancy Wood

Join us for readings and live Q & A with author Nancy Wood about The Found Child (A Shelby McDougall Mystery). Date: Saturday, October 17, 2020 Time: 10:00AM Pacific Time For more information about for the event, visit our website: The Found Child (A Shelby McDougall Mystery) is available now in hardcover, trade paperback, and digital editions. Signed editions are also available.

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New Book Release: “The Found Child” by Nancy Wood

We are extremely pleased to be able to announce the immediate availability of The Found Child (A Shelby McDougall Mystery) by Nancy Wood. Private Investigator Shelby McDougall is out for revenge. Repeated miscarriages have caused Shelby’s marriage to disintegrate. Financial ruin lies ahead. A cheek swab sent to an online ancestry service turns up a surprise child: Shelby’s genetic offspring — found in the misty ether of the internet. The only way Shelby can hang on to her shredding sanity is to take things into her own hands and, once and for all, locate and apprehend Helen Brannon — the...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Goddess Rising (Book Three of the Goddess Rising Trilogy)” by Jay Hartlove

We are thrilled to announce the availability of the audio edition of Goddess Rising (Book Three of the "Goddess Rising" Trilogy) by Jay Hartlove. Saved by a goddess … but only as a tool for revenge? The nascent goddess Desiree meets the Egyptian archangel Joseph while ghost-busting the myth of Saint Patrick. Aided by her psychiatrist, Sanantha Mauwad, Desiree discovers she is a pawn in a revenge quest that Isis has been planning for thousands of years. Once again, gods and demons war on Earth with our heroes fighting not just for survival — but justice. Narrated by Trevor Wilson,...

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