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Why Haven’t You Written Your Book? (Part 1 of 4)

Many of us know people who have written — or threatened to write — books, but then those books never seem to materialize in a final form. Even after we started Paper Angel Press, and positioned it as an author-friendly platform for getting your written creations read, we still experienced the same hesitation among writers, even those with whom we had good working relationships. Why was this happening?, we wondered. So, last fall we ran a survey with two different audiences in order to try to understand why writers don't complete or submit their books. We also sought to understand...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series) by J Dark. When your past is left undone, it will come find you. Fern Fatelli is a private investigator, specializing in more shady activities than finding children. The situation that launches her deeper into the uncertain realm of Magick is Fern being hired to expose Hervald Thensome, a prominent businessman in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as an adulterer. From this point on, Fern’s situation spirals deeper into the realm of magic and danger. Attacks by a mysterious man, and her own contracted...

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New Book Release: Paper Angel Press Sampler (2017 Edition)

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of the Paper Angel Press Sampler (2017 Edition). Words have power. They have shape and color and tone, they have texture and subtext, they can make us think and cry and laugh and rage and ponder. A good novel has the ability to leave us yearning after its worlds for days. Within these pages you will find samples from our collaborations with our authors. They have created new worlds for all of us to explore and enjoy. If these brief excursions into their worlds capture your imagination, check out their complete tales...

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Interview: J Dark, author of Broken Bridge

How did you get the idea for Broken Bridge? The idea came late in the writing. The first few chapters were the characters establishing themselves. The antagonist’s trap came as a surprise to me. I could feel something, I just didn't have the real understanding what the character was up to until later in the book. It honestly felt like when you see a great movie and someone decides there has to be a sequel to it. That's how the first few chapters felt. Once I got into the story, things started clicking and the puzzle pieces fell in place....

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Paper Angel Press Author L. A. Jacob Published in “Under the 13th Star”

We are pleased and excited to announce that Paper Angel Press author L. A. Jacob’s short story, “The Raid”, has been published in the anthology, Under the 13th Star. Based on a story told to her by her uncle, “The Raid” is a different kind of story than the fantasy she usually publishes. It is the tale of a delivery boy for the local speakeasy that his father supplies liquor to. But when he finds the Revenuers are out to raid the speakeasy, he has to face either being arrested by the police or his father's wrath. He's not sure...

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New Book Release: “Broken Bridge (Book Two of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Broken Bridge, the second book in the Glass Bottles series, by J Dark. Sometimes a broken bridge has to be crossed. Talk about Byzantine influences. Fern Fatelli is approached by a desperate father to find his daughter before something bad happens to her, only to find that the job is really a diversion made to have her owe a service to a fae lord. Cobb, the fae lord, then contracts Fern, not as a finder, but as a wizard, and forces her to re-open the Anolyn way. As this is going...

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Interview: Flavia Idà, author of Children of the Wrong Time

Flavia Ida

Children of the Wrong Time has a very thoughtful story, and at the same time, it feels that it is a warning. What brought about the idea for this book? The original “Ha ha!” moment was a line from the movie Parenthood. Not a particularly memorable movie, but this line struck me as the perfect summing up of a topic I’d been mulling over for a while. The line is: “You need a license to drive, you need a license to fish, you need a license to own a dog, but any moron can become a parent.” It got me...

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New Book Release: “Children of the Wrong Time” by Flavia Idà

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Children of the Wrong Time by Flavia Idà. “Would you say you were loved by the right people at the right time in the right way and for the right reasons?” Michael Holmes and Nora Savins stepped into the ornate atrium of the Department of Vital Privileges and looked up at the life-size marble statue of the Founding Father, a smiling young man who held in his hand an ancient movie script rolled into a scroll. “Keanu Reeves,” Michael said reverentially, “with his quote from Parenthood: You need a license to...

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Interview: L. A. Jacob, author of Grimaulkin

The first question I'd like to ask is about the book in general. If I remember correctly, Grimaulkin is written for Young Adults? Yes, mostly in the high-school plus range. The main character is 18 years old. Did you find that focusing on that particular age range influenced the style of your writing? Oh, definitely. My first draft, the one I wrote when I wasn't paying attention to words, had a lot more detail and swear words than the final version did. Since the time period is in the year 2000, I didn't have to worry about modern lingo and...

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