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New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin Tempted” by L. A. Jacob

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin Tempted (Book Two of the Grimaulkin Series) by L. A. Jacob. Stress affects people differently. Then, there’s magic. Mike LeBonte is house-sitting while his sister and her new husband go on their honeymoon. What could happen in two weeks? First, his cousin Becky calls him saying she’s being followed. It could be the Mafia. Or it could be the church she’s trying to separate from. Then his boyfriend tells Mike his ex is coming to visit. Then Mike meets his parole officer — a Knight of the Rosicrucians, the very...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin” by L. A. Jacob

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin (Book One of the Grimaulkin Series) by L. A. Jacob. Treading the straight and narrow is not natural to one who summons demons. Michael LeBonte is set free after five years in magic prison. All he has to do is stay on the straight and narrow path for the rest of his life. However, because he summoned demons to “take care of things,” it’s easier said than done. Now his plan is to make a new life for himself. His sister has welcomed him back, he’s met a cute guy,...

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Why Haven’t You Written Your Book? (Part 4 of 4)

This is Part 4 of a four-part series reporting on the "Why Haven't You Written Your Book?" survey we offered last year. You can read Part 3 here. I would consider my book to be a success if … The answers we received showed a clear distribution of the responses. Here is how all of the answers ranked: I get it finished and published. I sell X number of copies during the first year. I get X positive reviews for it on Amazon/Goodreads. My friends and family all buy copies of it. Based on these results, we might conclude that...

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Why Haven’t You Written Your Book? (Part 3 of 4)

The is Part 3 of a four-part series reporting on the "Why Haven't You Written Your Book?" survey we offered last year. You can read Part 2 here. I'm afraid to write (or submit) my book because … A clear margin shows that the two highest-ranked responses held true for most authors, while the remaining three ranked very close together. Here is how all of the answers ranked: I don't know if it will be any good. I don't know how to distribute/market it. I don't think anyone will read it. I'm afraid people will judge me. I don't know...

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Why Haven’t You Written Your Book? (Part 2 of 4)

The is the second part in a four-part series reporting on the "Why Haven't You Written Your Book?" survey we offered last year. You can read Part 1 here. I would write my book if … The answers we received ranked fairly close in terms of the numbers of responses received. Here is how all of the answers ranked: I knew someone would be interested in publishing it. I had more time to do it. I had a support group to help me along the way. As the results were close across all three responses, we might conclude that writers:...

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Why Haven’t You Written Your Book? (Part 1 of 4)

Many of us know people who have written — or threatened to write — books, but then those books never seem to materialize in a final form. Even after we started Paper Angel Press, and positioned it as an author-friendly platform for getting your written creations read, we still experienced the same hesitation among writers, even those with whom we had good working relationships. Why was this happening?, we wondered. So, last fall we ran a survey with two different audiences in order to try to understand why writers don't complete or submit their books. We also sought to understand...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark

We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series) by J Dark. When your past is left undone, it will come find you. Fern Fatelli is a private investigator, specializing in more shady activities than finding children. The situation that launches her deeper into the uncertain realm of Magick is Fern being hired to expose Hervald Thensome, a prominent businessman in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as an adulterer. From this point on, Fern’s situation spirals deeper into the realm of magic and danger. Attacks by a mysterious man, and her own contracted...

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New Book Release: Paper Angel Press Sampler (2017 Edition)

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of the Paper Angel Press Sampler (2017 Edition). Words have power. They have shape and color and tone, they have texture and subtext, they can make us think and cry and laugh and rage and ponder. A good novel has the ability to leave us yearning after its worlds for days. Within these pages you will find samples from our collaborations with our authors. They have created new worlds for all of us to explore and enjoy. If these brief excursions into their worlds capture your imagination, check out their complete tales...

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