We’ve all been there: standing behind a desk or a counter for ridiculously long hours, letting the movie of our imagination roll behind our eyes. Maybe you open the supply room door and find another dimension; perhaps the photocopier reproduces cryptic messages from other realities. We’re certain that you can, far too easily, find inspiration from your workplace. Magic, mayhem, revenge — and, yes, perhaps even redemption — can all be found there. Corporate Catharsis is the anthology we all need — one that can help us survive our corporate servitude with our hearts and souls intact. Submission Details Open...
Interview: Andrea Monticue, author of Memory and Metaphor
Interview with Andrea Monticue, author of Memory and Metaphor, conducted by author J Dark
New Book Release: “Memory and Metaphor” by Andrea Monticue
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Memory and Metaphor by Andrea Monticue. Civilization fell. It rose. At some point, people built starships. A millennium after the Earth was abandoned to climate change and resource depletion, Sharon Manders wakes up in a body that used to belong to somebody else, and some say she was a terrorist. She has no idea how she could be digging for Pleistocene bones in Africa one day, and crewing on a starship the next. That was just before she met the wolfman, the elf, and the sex robot. Struggling with distressingly unreliable...
New Book Release: “The Last Speck of the World” by Flavia Idà
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of The Last Speck of the World by Flavia Idà. No name. No race. No nationality. The survivor of the perfect catastrophe struggles to preserve herself and her hope that she may be found — by humans. "I am female, thirty-two, alone in the last speck of the world. My name, my race and my nationality are no longer important. I do not know why the plague has spared me. It has taken everything else. All the clocks and all the machines are dead. What keeps me breathing is the hope that...
Paper Angel Press Author L. A. Jacob Published in “Selections” Anthology
We are pleased and excited to announce that Paper Angel Press author L. A. Jacob’s short story, “My First Demon”, has been published in the anthology, Selections. What really happens when you take out a bully? When Mike LeBonte is faced with a bully every year for his middle-school life, he does the only thing he can think of to solve the problem. He summons the demon Andromalius — a demon that is meant to punish “wicked men” such as Mousey, Mike’s present nemesis. Selections (published by The Association of Rhode Island Authors) is available from Amazon and Barnes &...
New Book Release: “Beguiling Voices (Book Three of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Beguiling Voices, the third book in the Glass Bottles series, by J Dark. Never trust magic … or the people that hire you. Fern Fatelli dives back into her job as a ‘trapper’, and is hired to kidnap a girl away from an abusive household — only to find that she’s delivered the child into a far greater danger than she could have ever imagined. Beguiling Voices is available in hardcover, trade paperback, and digital editions. Signed editions are also available. For a limited time this month, each of the first...
New Book Release: “War Mage” by Jake Logan & L. A. Jacob
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of &lquo;War Mage&rquo; by Jake Logan and L. A. Jacob.
New Audio Edition Release: “Broken Bridge (Book Two of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark
We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Broken Bridge (Book Two of the Glass Bottles Series) by J Dark. Sometimes a broken bridge has to be crossed. Talk about Byzantine influences. Fern Fatelli is approached by a desperate father to find his daughter before something bad happens to her, only to find that the job is really a diversion made to have her owe a service to a fae lord. Cobb, the fae lord, then contracts Fern, not as a finder, but as a wizard, and forces her to re-open the Anolyn way. As this is going on,...
New Audio Edition Release: “Grimaulkin Redeemed” by L. A. Jacob
We are thrilled to announce the audio edition of Grimaulkin Tempted (Book Three of the Grimaulkin Series) by L. A. Jacob. Protect your present or suffer from your past. It’s Scott’s birthday, and Mike LeBonte has big plans for his boyfriend. First, he has to deal with losing his magic. However, he’s well-known to the police as a consultant, and someone has summoned a demon in the North Burial Ground in Providence. Not just any demon, but Lucifer himself. As Mike fights to try and regain his magic to help the police, a man from his past comes into town...
Paper Angel Press Goes to WorldCon
We are excited to inform you that we will be attending the 2018 World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose, California from August 16th through August 20th. Visit us in the Dealer Room to receive special deals on our books and meet some of our authors in person. We will have some exclusive free stories for you, along with some other special items! We will also be available listen to your book ideas, so come by our table and pitch your stories to us. If you can't visit us in person, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We...