December 2020

Why bother with a review?

tl;dr  Reviews are the #1 way books get readers' attention, and that drives sales for authors. There are all kinds of studies using all kinds of algorithms about how word of mouth impacts book sales for the better. You can read those, if you care to, or you can take my word for it. Back when we all lived in a slower, kinder world, people sat and chatted with each other, and they talked about what they were reading. Now, only the most devoted bibliophiles hang out in in-person book clubs (except pandemic, which has largely killed those); most of...

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The Best Gift You Can Give an Author is a Review

During this holiday season, when you're looking for the perfect gift for that author friend or family member, here's something that will fit every budget: Leave a review. There are a lot of important business-related reasons why leaving reviews is important to a book and author's success. (We will discuss these in detail in another post.) The most important part: Leave a review. For authors and books, the two most important places to leave reviews are Amazon and Goodreads. You can even post the same review in both places! Did you know: You don't have to purchase the book on...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Building Baby Brother” by Steven Radecki

We are thrilled to announce the availability of the audio edition of Building Baby Brother by Steven Radecki. It seemed like a good idea at the time … Children will always grow up, whether we’re ready for them to or not. One truth about parenthood that I’ve learned is that there will come a time when your children will ask you difficult, and perhaps even uncomfortable, questions for which they expect you to have the answers. It’s also true that we often find it difficult to deny our children the things that they most desire — like freedom. Read by...

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