
New Book Release: “Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series)” by J Dark

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Best Intentions (Book One of the Glass Bottles Series) by J Dark. When your past is left undone, it will come find you. Fern Fatelli is a private investigator, specializing in more shady activities than finding children. The situation that launches her deeper into the uncertain realm of Magick is Fern being hired to expose Hervald Thensome, a prominent businessman in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as an adulterer. From this point on, Fern’s situation spirals deeper into the realm of magic and danger. Attacks by a mysterious man, and her own contracted...

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New Book Release: “The Iron and The Loom” by Flavia Idà

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of The Iron and The Loom by Flavia Idà. How many times, she wondered, had she woven together cloth that his sword had then torn apart along with the flesh underneath? The year is 1136, the place Tropèa, a walled sea town in Southern Italy during the Norman domination. Kallyna d’Àrgira, a master of the arts of the loom who can turn the world into silk thread, is pledged in marriage by her father to Raimo Trani, a man she hates. After a sudden tragedy leaves her at Raimo’s mercy, into her...

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New Book Release: “Homecoming (A War Mage Novel)” by Jake Logan

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Homecoming (A War Mage Novel) by Jake Logan. Even wizards in the U.S. armed forces have to go home some time. First Magus Brent Rogers of the US Army stationed in Afghanistan is ordered to return home on furlough. Considered a war mage, he is trained to find enemies at a distance, to blow up their bombs, and to alert his men of danger. None of this is needed in the city of Worcester, his hometown. Brent has to learn to relax, to not see threats in every corner, and to...

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Slush Pile December!

Now that we're heavily into November, and anyone doing NaNoWriMo is already committed to their novel, a lot of writers are asking, "What's next? What do I do now that I've written it?" We are here to help! Paper Angel Press will be running a blog series during the entire month of December, "Slush Pile December," to help you get your manuscript into shape for potential submission. Every Thursday, we will throw down on some topic of relevance to the new writer looking to make their submission stand out from the rest of the slush pile. We are super excited...

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New Book Release: “Is Home Your Happy Place?: The Unruly Woman’s Approach to Space Healing” by Christy Diane Farr

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Is Home Your Happy Place?: The Unruly Woman's Approach to Space Healing by Christy Diane Farr. We make our environment and it makes us right back. There are dozens of good books with different approaches to help you tame your space and take back your life. But what if you try and try but simply can’t lift the words off the page and into your actual life? What if their methods works at first but then you find yourself completely stuck again? What if you slay stacks of mail and old...

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Why Are We Doing This?

Why start a small press? The answer to that question, as you might guess, is neither a short nor a simple one. The reasons are chiefly personal, but they were also borne from the desire to do the right thing for other aspiring authors. Since I was seventeen, I have written stories with an eye toward eventual professional publication. Although I did get a technical non-fiction book published, I never managed to fully complete a novel. As time passed, and I continued to write . . . and not finish, I finally began to understand why. Revising and editing is...

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