October 2016

Interview: Flavia Idà, author of The Iron and The Loom and The Names of Heaven

Flavia Ida

Where did you get the idea for the The Iron and the Loom? I'm an inveterate daydreamer. It doesn't take much for me to withdraw into my inner world, to the exclusion of everything else. I also love history and I grew up in Italy, which has more history that anybody knows what to do with it, you look around and there it is. So daydreaming about a favorite period of Italian history and writing a novel set in it for me was an inevitable combination. Every author seems to have a different way of developing a story. Did you...

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New Book Release: “Il ferro e il telaio” by Flavia Idà

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Il ferro e il telaio (The Iron and The Loom) by Flavia Idà. How many times, she wondered, had she woven together cloth that his sword had then torn apart along with the flesh underneath? The year is 1136, the place Tropèa, a walled sea town in Southern Italy during the Norman domination. Kallyna d’Àrgira, a master of the arts of the loom who can turn the world into silk thread, is pledged in marriage by her father to Raimo Trani, a man she hates. After a sudden tragedy leaves her...

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